Inkscape logo 512x512
Inkscape logo 512x512

inkscape logo 512x512

You just have to set parameters of grid lines according to your design.

inkscape logo 512x512

Now i move it like this with the help of arrow keys of keyboard or you can move your object with the help of mouse and it is automatically snap to the grid lines. Now i will press Ctrl + D for making a duplicate copy of it.Īnd change its color then i will go to Fill and Strokes panel and decrease its opacity so that i can see the lower object which is behind it. Now i will set its center at the crossing point of grids. If you want to change size proportionally then click on this lock icon and when you change any of the dimensions of your selected object, then second dimension will change automatically in same proportion. I will change its color into some dark shade. You can press E as short cut key of it.Īnd I change its size as 200 x 200 pixels. Now i will take Ellipse tool from tool panel which is at the left side of working screen. I am creating this grid because I will use it as guide during design my logo. And in the dialog box of this Document Properties i will add a New grid to the document area.

Inkscape logo 512x512