
The general guideline will be to keep Blender functionally compatible with 2.8x and later. Blender 3.0 Beta General focus: building on 2.8 UI and workflow, and improving it further. Feedback is very welcome as usual, this will be a living document for a while. It has been reviewed with several of the core contributors already. This article aims to provide an outline for the Blender 3.x roadmap. According to the new planning, in the coming two years eight minor Blender 3.x releases will be made, of which two of these as Long Time Support (LTS) versions.

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Starting with Blender 3.0 a new version numbering convention will be used, with a major release planned each two years. That means that the Blender 2 series has been running for a little over two decades! We certainly don’t want the 3 series to take that long. In August of 2000, Blender 2.0 was released at the SIGGRAPH show.
